How to run Skype (or other Android app) on Chromebook without using Dev Mode

One of the biggest challenges I have faced in using a Chromebook compared to a Windows or Linux system is the lack of Skype.  I can use Google Docs for most of my word processing or spreadsheet needs and while Google Hangouts for video chat is awesome and works well, Skype is still the most commonly used platform and the simplest for most to use.  Below I will show you how to install Skype on your Chromebook without enabling Dev Mode and installing linux.

1. Download and install the Arc Welder Chromebook App – This is an app that allows you test Android applications on ChromeOS.  In our case we will use it to run the Skype Android app on Chrome.

2. Download the Skype android application – Once you download this file, you can rename it BEFORE you proceed as you will not be able to rename or move the file without breaking Skype as it relies on this file.

3. Launch the Arc Welder App – Once it launches, you will click the Orange plus (+) sign and browse for the Skype application file we downloaded in step 2.



4. Once added, Just click the Launch App button in the bottom right of the Window


5. That is all.  You do not have to repeat these steps again as you will now have a Skype icon in your Chrome App Menu that you can use moving forward.


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